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Next Information Session Hosted by SAOSWF


DATE: 2 APRIL 2025 @ 2 pm on Zoom
he role of palliative care in patients diagnosed with motor neuron disease.

Presented by: Dr Jesne Kistan: a qualified public health medicine specialist

The presentation will cover common symptoms which cause distress for the patient and family, how to approach the advance health planning discussion (including ethical issues such as PEG feeding, withdrawal of ventilation), and the role of the multidisciplinary team, specifically the social worker, in providing care.

Dr Jesne

Dr Jesne Kistan is a qualified public health medicine specialist who branched into the field of Palliative Medicine. She is one of the Clinical leads at the Association of Palliative Care Practitioners of South Africa (PALPRAC). At PALPRAC, she works on expanding access to palliative care in both the public and private health care sector. She is also the co-founder of Zazen Respite Care, an inpatient palliative care unit built on the principles of social solidarity, based in Sunninghill, Gauteng

CPD Points awarded and applied for with SACSSP

Welcome to the South African Oncology Social Workers Forum

Join us and you will become part of a dedicated group of social workers who aim to improve the psycho-social care of people living with cancer. We work in a range of settings, from state funded facilities, private oncology practices, palliative care environments and with members who are affiliated with the medical social work field.

Why join?

Membership of the SAOSWF will give you:

  • access to a support network of experienced social workers in oncology,
  • oncology-specific CPD training opportunities
  • a platform to share your knowledge and skill in oncology social work with others.
How to Join

A membership fee of R375 per member per year is payable.

Invoices will be sent to all social workers who have completed and submitted the forms.

Application Form


Linda Greeff Course


Associated Organisations

Our Mission

Our mission is to encourage excellence in the psychosocial care of people with cancer as well as their families and caregivers by promoting advocacy, ongoing education, professional networking and resource development.

And Improve

the psychosocial care and support of people living with cancer, their caregivers, families and communities.

And Promote

the quality of our offering by enhancing education, networking, research and resource development in social work.